Ontario Social Economy Roundtable Unveils Official Charter

OSER Unveils Official CharterOn May 15th at OCE Discovery held at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, the Ontario Social Economy Roundtable (OSER) launched its charter.

Finalized over a long process of consultation and collaboration, the OSER charter solidifies the values of the social economy in Ontario. It offers a look at this ecosystem, puts definitions in place and shines a spotlight on the role of stakeholders in the social and economic development in the province.

OSER convenes dozens of organizations linked to the social economy in Ontario. Growing out of loose collaboration, several networks and organizations have organized more cohesively under the banner of the Ontario Social Economy Roundtable (OSER) to work on provincial landscape- spanning issues in a more coordinated fashion.

As per the charter, “OSER aims to be a focal point for social economy stakeholders, who intend to put resources together in order to improve the general quality of life and the well-being of our society as a whole. Based upon the principles of democratic governance, equity, equality, solidarity, inclusion, sustainability and cross-collaboration, OSER is a space for dialogue, exchanges and collaboration to promote the growth of social economy.”

OSER members were excited to be gathered at the annual OCE Discovery alongside Canada’s key players including industry leaders, academia, government, investors, entrepreneurs and social innovators. Working across sectors, this is an ideal moment to build awareness for an increasing demand for an economy that values people and planet.

“The Charter is a constitutive document for the social economy of our province,” said Julien Geremie, co-chair of OSER. “It put terms to confusing definitions, it gathers and it addresses important issues. We are proud to submit such an inspiring charter.”

“We have to recognize the crucial role that many member organizations of OSER played to reach these present results,” said Paul Chamberlain, co-chair of OSER. “The collaboration exercised to create this charter illustrates the excellent work we can do when we work together.”

The charter is available to be viewed online. Any and all individuals or organizations who subscribe to its values are invited to sign and share it.

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