
The space for social enterprise and the social economy in Ontario is growing.

Community of Social Enterprise

The SEontario website is a community-driven showcase of social enterprise and the social economy in Ontario. The site’s primary roles are to:

  • Demonstrate the geographic scope and community impact across Ontario of SE through a showcase of case studies and living examples
  • Connect users to resources, including enterprise skills, measuring impact, policy issues, potential capital and social finance opportunities as well as regional, francophone and co-operative supports
  • Provide a geo-mapped database of nonprofit social enterprises (to be expanded to include social entrepreneurs and other social economy organizations)
  • Provide links to marketplaces for those wanting to purchase through SEs
  • Share an Ontario SE Events Calendar highlighting relevant webinars, educational opportunities and events
  • Profile the Ontario Social Economy Roundtable (OSER), including a historical narrative of the social economy in Ontario that helps provide context and celebrates SE achievements made in Ontario to date
  • Profile provincial initiatives, collaborations and projects that are learning about the value of social enterprise and social economy in their communities
  • Provides links among social economy work in regions of Ontario
  • Connect people to the latest news related to social enterprise in Ontario

Learn more about, Ontario’s newest social enterprise community, and how it is designed to help profile and inspire social enterprise in the province in this free webinar recording.